Support & Resources
People who are experiencing pregnancy loss often describe feeling fear, grief, anxiety and sadness related to the unexpected loss of the pregnancy. If you are experiencing these complicated feelings, talk with your health care providers, because while you may be physically recovering, psychological symptoms can continue for many weeks after a loss.
These feelings are normal, and you are not alone.
Early pregnancy loss is often suffered in silence, as people had not yet told family, friends, or co-workers they were pregnant. Suffering in silence can be difficult. For others, the joyful news of a pregnancy may have already been shared with family, friends, or co-workers. The loss may then feel embarrassing, a failure or something one is ashamed by. Asking for support from those people you trust will support you may be helpful to prevent the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can occur after a loss.
Experiencing pregnancy loss can be very difficult for you and loved ones. The experience is different for everyone, and may be different from those of your friends and family.
If your family physician is unaware you have had a pregnancy loss, reach out to them, because they can be a source of ongoing support during this difficult time.
Additionally, if you feel you need additional, ongoing support, they may recommend you see a counsellor during this time. Involving your family physician in your support team through loss can be very helpful.
There are supports available including peer support groups which can be helpful.
There’s a lot of information out there about early pregnancy loss and complications, but it can be challenging to know what’s reliable. The patients, caregivers, and clinicians we spoke with to put this website together told us these are resources they find useful:
(click titles below to access the websites)
(416) 480-5330 or 1-844-772-9388
Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network—PAIL has free group and individual peer support services for families across Ontario
(click above for link)
Health Quality Ontario (now Ontario Health) has created excellent resources for patients and providers for Early Pregnancy Loss
Every year, across Canada, October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. This site provides information on events, as well as resources for parents
(416) 440 -0290 or 1-800-236 -6364
Provides peer-led grief support services with one-to-one meetings, support groups, or events in Ontario.
Patient Handouts / Downloads
For patients, emergency department (ED) physicians, family doctors, OB/GYNs, and midwives, please feel free to download our free patient handouts by clicking below.